I have a dream, to achieve so much in my life that I wouldn't have to worry about the price tags before buying any thing that I want. *RICH*

Every person has a dream that he/she wants to achieve and set it as his/her target. No one in this world is without any dream. Some desire perfection, peace, fame, money etc. But does every one get what they dream of?

The answer lies within us.

The very first thing to do to achieve our dream is to wake up and start working for it. Now, the working doesn't necessarily means that we need to get a job to work. Here, working means that we need to get serious about our goals and start taking decisions towards our dreams to fulfill them.

Now the question lies here is: what kinds of decisions?

We can get the answer of this question simply from this example. Every morning, we wake up. Most of the time, due to our alarms, and some times by different factors such as nightmares. Now in these those most of the “alarm’s wake up call”, we ask God to give us few more minutes to sleep. Although God doesn't allow us and makes our alarm go ON. At that moment, it’s up to us, that do we need to sleep for those few extra minutes of do we want to invest those extra minutes in taking steps towards our dream. That’s what we have to choose and make as our decisions.

The decision leads to small success that would boost us toward our dream. They work as confidence builders inside us.

Many a time, people get tired of the work they have to do for their dreams and they quit, being satisfied of what they have. Is it right to be satisfied?

While most of you think the answer as YES; but for me, it’s a NO. Satisfaction is not right. It puts a stop at our thinking and dreaming capabilities and puts an end to the journey to our dream.

Even if we achieve our dreams, we shouldn’t get satisfied of it. It is in human nature to not to get satisfied. We all have desires. Desires are endless. That’s why we all have dreams and desires to chase them. Then why get satisfied?

Satisfaction should come at the accomplishment of a dream but it is not right to accept it as if there’s no further to go. Being human, we should dream again and chase them until they aren’t complete.

Chasing our dreams needs us to remain alive. Being alive for our dreams is the objective of life. Satisfaction ends the desires and makes us lifeless.

Our dreams keep us alive.


It’s the only component of life that connects two souls forever. Scientists describe this as Bio-Chemical reactions which happen inside a human body.

A common man describes it as a feeling that makes us feel special and proves that we humans have emotions.

Apart from these theories, for me love is an experience that leaves an impression on your mind and heart for ever.

We exactly don’t know what love is. We just believe on the feeling which makes us happy and comfortable at the same time with flow of multiple emotions that makes us feel that we are dreaming.

Love is as simple as reading a book to as complex as solving a mathematical expression. It just takes understandings.

Every one in this world has its own way of loving and expressing it to the world. All that matters is that it has warmth that binds up the whole world together.

“Every ting is fair in love”. Indeed. When a mother loves her children, she wants the best of the world to be at their feet. When a brother loves his sister, he shows his love towards her and wants that she get the world’s best care. Love doesn’t limits up to family. It crosses every border, every limitations and every society made divisions.

It is like air. OMNIPRESENT. It is in tender shown by nature to us, in care done by a person to other, in help done by someone, in playfulness shown by animals, in the smile that makes someone’s day, in friendship that lasts long, in peace of soul, in devotion to our favorite work, in your favorite food, in every place of world.

Love is present every where and inside every soul of the world. It just needs to be felt and shared.